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The Mistake I Made And Why I’m Glad I Made It

June 3, 2021

I did something dumb the other day. I pulled out a mega-magnification mirror to look at my skin.

Big mistake! What was I thinking?! 

I’ll tell you exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking, Surely that strange bump that has appeared overnight on my chin is not acne. I’m 61! Acne?! In case you can’t tell from my punctuation, I felt vaguely hysterical.


What the bump was is neither here nor there, because the magnification mirror startled all thoughts of identifying the intruder completely and thoroughly away. Poof. One glance and I no longer cared about a bump.

Whose skin was I looking at anyway? Where had all those little lines around my mouth come from? What was that odd texture? And the uneven color…I’d certainly not noticed that before! Holy smokes! (At the chance of misleading you with that expression, holy smokes, I can unequivocally say the lines were not from smoking. Unless that one time I tried it did A LOT of damage.)

Let Nature Take Its Course?

My “let nature take its course” philosophy was up for serious review. Maybe I should be making more of an effort. My usual beauty routine—micellar water wipes followed by Oil of Olay Total Effects Moisturizer needed a Super Hero to knock some sense into my skin.

We all need a little help now and then. 

So, the very day I got my mirror scare, I tracked down a skilled skin specialist who could throw me a lifeline (poor choice of words…I do not want any more lines in my life).

After breathlessly describing the mirror experience with the receptionist at Medical Spa 7, she recommended a hydrafacial for starters.

“Sign me up,” I said. “Fast. While there’s still time.”

This aging gracefully business requires A LOT of grace.

Fabulous Infusion of Freshness

You all are probably familiar with hydrafacials, or what I call Fabulous Fresh Face Infusions (because I adore alliteration). It’s not like they’re a new procedure. I’m just late to the game.

This non-invasive, no-down-time, under-an-hour treatment is supposed to be good for deep-cleaning, exfoliating, and hydrating your skin. It MAY help treat a variety of skin conditions like acne, dryness, and wrinkles, and is helpful for improving your skin’s texture, tone, and appearance in general.

When I read about the possibilities (the bump WAS acne! What on earth?!) I didn’t blink twice at the price. Well, maybe I blinked. It’s not cheap. At least in my opinion. But I tend to think everything beauty-related should cost twenty-five bucks tops.

Let’s go!

Heather Helton, the aesthetician who did my facial, was just lovely. She’s been working at Medical Spa 7 for 15 years.

As a sidenote, Heather’s the mother of four. One ten-year-old and THREE five-year-olds! That’s right! TRIPLETS! What?! No fertility treatment involved. (I didn’t ask, she offered that info.) 😉

Anyway…she loves what she does and I could tell. The treatment was so relaxing, even though I kept peppering her questions. She probably wondered if I was ever going to hush and just enjoy.

But I’m the kind who likes to know what’s happening. I’m that patient who talks through a dental procedure.

So, here's how it went...

This was the first wand she used to make the magic happen. It feels like a mini vacuum is sucking all the impurities out of your skin. What was really happening: Cleansing and exfoliating.

The machine her gadgets were attached to. I know. I know. I shouldn’t throw around such technical terms. Looking closely at this picture, I wish I’d asked her what “gunkie” meant.

After the cleansing, she did a mild peel, pore cleansing, and an antioxidant infusion. I would have let her continue (like I said, she’s very good.) But there was this minor technicality. It was over.

Major Calculations

As I underwent the process, I mentally reviewed my budget to calculate how many of these I could get a year. Heather recommends having one a month.

So, let’s say I get gift certificates for my birthday, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, our anniversary, and Christmas. Then I’ll only have to pay for seven. Twelve treatments for the price of seven! That’s about forty percent off, right? What a deal!

I made another deal with myself: Toss the mirror.

What about you? Do you routinely treat yo’self to facials?  Have you noticed improvement in your skin as a result? What’s the best procedure you’ve tried–the one that felt the best and gave you the maximum reward? Please share in the comments!


  • Judith Vance

    Tracey, you look great sans makeup! 🥰

  • Lisa Beggs

    I’m sure facials would prove to be so beneficial. It seems all the focus is on my fingernails and toes!!!! Thanks for the inspiration! I’ll let you know if I can squeeze a facial appointment in between my mani and pedi!

  • It’s been a while since I have had a facial.
    I used to love the esthetician school when it was at West Kentucky. The services were glorious at a wonderful cost. There are so many great places now with so many choices! Goodness! And truly, I’m not sure that my lines could be summoned away!

  • Tonya Smith

    The only thing worse than a magnifying mirror is a lighted magnifying mirror! I made that mistake and I am NOT glad I did! At 60.5, I often feel I need to take out a “skin improvement loan” — who am I kidding — a “body improvement loan” — to tend to all the bumps, dents, and wrinkles! Even scripture tells me I am “fearfully” made! (I know, it actually says “fearfully and wonderfully” so why is the fearfully much more evident than the wonderfully?) 😳

  • I need to make an appointment

  • Connie Smith

    I had a gift card for 4 facials the Christmas before Covid hit, so I’ve on;y had 1.

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