March is my month. I get to celebrate another trip around the sun for one of my daughter-in-loves, one of my grandsons, and myself in March. My birthday is the 9th if you’re interested. I don’t mind people making a big deal about it. I’m thrilled to still be alive! But back to why I love March… My favorite flower blooms in March. The SEC tournament is in March. There’s that day we wear green or get pinched in March. The first day of Spring is March 19. AND we’ll get to meet our eighth grandchild later in March.
Have I told you about her? She’s named already–Maury Bird Buchanan. We’ll call her Birdie but her first name is pretty important because it was my Dad’s name. Want to know what’s really special? Maury Bird is scheduled to arrive on the day Dad died in 2023…March 27. If that’s not a God wink I don’t know what is. A difficult, emotional date is transformed with new life by the Author of Life.
I didn’t think you’d get the warm fuzzies if I posted the only pic I have of Birdie so far–the ultrasound (although, ultrasounds these days…pretty realistic, huh?) Instead, I’ll bring you smiles with our latest fur baby–Lottie Moon! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ve already seen her. But I am confident you’d like to see this one…

Why’d You Name Her That?
I KNOW!! She is just the cutest. In case you wonder about her name, we have a grand tradition of naming our dogs after saints, missionaries, theologians–you know, great people of faith. We’ve had Dietrich Bon(e)hoeffer, Blaise Paschall, Corrie ten Boom, St. Francis, and now Lottie Moon. I can’t prove this, but I think I act a little better when I know a great saint is listening and watching. I know my husband does. Just kidding. We both act appropriately and live life with nothing but joy in our hearts on a daily basis. No un-Christlike behavior over here. Nope. No-sir-ee-bob. Really.

Anyway. About Charlotte Digges “Lottie” Moon (December 12, 1840 – December 24, 1912). She was an American Southern Baptist missionary to China who spent nearly 40 years (1873–1912) living and working there. One thing before I go on–did you notice what her middle name was? Digges! And what do dogs like to do? DIG! Get it? Also, our Lottie was born December 19, 2023, one week exactly after the real Lottie Moon was born! Could there be a more appropriate name??
To further prove my point, the human Lottie was a “spirited and outspoken girl” who was indifferent to her Christian upbringing until her early teens. But she experienced a spiritual awakening while she attended Virginia Female Seminary (high school, later Hollins University, which is one of the oldest institutions for higher education for women in the U.S. Just throwing that factoid in for free. You’re welcome.)
So, Lottie is the perfect name for our little high-spirited and outspoken girl who is indifferent to our sleeping schedule. I have faith she will come to a point of reckoning like her namesake did. I see nothing but good behavior and sharing the good news in her future. I mean, at this very minute take a look at what she’s doing while I write…

It’s a Little Like Having a Baby
While Lottie snoozes, I try to write. It’s a kickback to the days when we were rearing two busy boys. I wrote while they slept.
And, you ask with curiosity, what are you writing? Thought I’d give you a little update. Yes, though I love discussing Toward the Corner of Mercy and Peace–and will happily attend your book club–I have more books in me waiting their turn to be written. Y’all. There are so many stories to be told!!
I’ve shared the title of my working manuscript with a few of you but I’ll save that little nugget for closer to pub date. Besides, what the author wants for a title is not always what the publisher wants. No, I don’t have a publisher yet but WHEN I DO I’ll let you know. (And just between you and me, I think they’ll love the title I’ve given it!)
You’re catching me on a particularly optimistic day in my writing life. Some days I think, “Why am I doing this?” Meaning…why oh why do I have to be in love with an industry that’s as unpredictable as a new puppy? I cannot answer this very sensible question. All I can tell you is that I love to write.
So, back to my current work. I’m revising my WIP (work in progress) after receiving an outstanding developmental edit. I can’t rewrite and tighten and fiddle with it fast enough. I’m dying to get it finished and may have set an unreasonable goal for doing so…especially since I signed up for a 12-week writing course with a small group of writers who have promised to hold me accountable. That’s right. I’m editing one book and starting another all in one month.
Yes, I’ve lost it. If I ever had it to begin with.
So, this month, this merry month of March madness, if you see me talking to myself complete with hand gestures and inflection, wearing two different shoes, and sporting a questionable hairdo, you will know what’s going on. I’m writing, rewriting, and doing my darnedest to remember to wear shoes and brush my hair.
P.S. Next month I’ll be back with plenty of book reviews for you. I’ve been reading tons, but most aren’t published yet. It’s not a spoiler to say you’ve got some great books in your future!
P.P.S. Would you mind leaving a comment? Heck, I don’t care what you say…suggestions, criticisms, compliments, household tips, advice, weather forecasts, anything. I just want to hear from you!
P.P.P.S What are you making for dinner?
Marsha Sanders
Enjoy reading your newsletters and looking at your pictures. Your new fuzzy friend is the sweetest little girl and so playful!!
Tracey Buchanan
Thanks, Marsha!! She’s a sweetie pie!
Leslie Watkins
Hey! If you get out of your pajamas and into clothes…right shoes or not?!!…I call that a success! For me? Teeth brushing preferred! Happy March, Happy Birthday, and Happy Writing, sweet friend! P.S. no hot water here means I won’t see you this morning! I’ll be in my pajamas watching the video here…
Linda Hart
I love to read what you write… it’s just the right mix of all things real!🤗
Tracey Buchanan
Thanks, Linda!! I’m so grateful you’re reading it!
Nancy Wilson
Can’t wait for your new books to arrive!
Tracey Buchanan
It’s going to take awhile like all things about the publishing world do! But I’m excited about it!
Brenda McElroy
I love Lottie and her namesake. I remember studying about her in GAs. Any fellow GAs out there? And I MUST know the name of your new WIP!
Tracey Buchanan
The name Lottie Moon holds happy memories from my GA years too! A remarkable woman I wish I’d known!
Brenda Thompson
I love your writing—so creative, funny, sad, and thought provoking. Your writing is the God-gift that He gave us all. Keep on!
Tracey Buchanan
Thank you, Brenda. That’s encouraging!
Tracey Buchanan
What a rich and generous compliment, Brenda. Thank you.
Jane Sykes
My mother was a faithful member of her Lottie Moon circle, back in the day when Baptist churches had missionary circles. The circle met monthly and every year they would devote one meeting to the history/service of Lottie Moon.
Tracey Buchanan
Lottie Moon was a brave woman—an inspiration!
Donna J Libby
so today was my 1st day meeting Lottie & I’m smitten!
SO glad to know that I’m not the only one that notices “God Winks”
Tracey Buchanan
She’s a little firecracker and snuggle bunny rolled up in one pint-size furry body!